opinion n. 1.意见;看法;见解;〔常 pl.〕主张。 2.舆论(=public opinion);(善恶的)判断,评价。 3.(专家的)鉴定;判定。 one's political opinions 政(治)见(解)。 a medical opinion 医生的意见。 a counsel's opinion 律师的意见。 act up to one's opinions 遵循自己的信念而行动;照自己主张行事。 a matter of opinion 看法不同的问题。 be of the opinion that ...相信,以为,认为。 get another opinion 征求别人意见。 have [form] a bad [low, mean, poor, unfavourable] opinion of (对某人或某事)评价甚低,轻视,瞧不起。 have [form] a good [high, favourable] opinion of (对某人或某事)有很高的评价,重视,佩服。 have another opinion 请别人鉴定一下。 have no opinion of 不大理会,不大佩服。 have the best opinion 请教高明的专家。 have the courage of one's opinions 勇敢的陈述[实行]主张。 in one's opinion 据某人意见。 in the opinion of 据…的见解。 of the same opinion 抱同一意见。 pass on opinion 下结论。 win (the) golden opinions 受众人尊敬。
legal adj. 1.法律(上)的。 2.法定的,合法的,正当的。 3.【宗教】按照摩西律法的。 one's legal status 合法地位。 the legal profession 律师业。 a legal adviser 法律顾问。 a legal fare 法定运费。 n. 1.法定权利。 2.依法必须登报的声明。 3.〔pl.〕 储蓄银行[信托公司]可以用来投资的证券。
the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge" 同义词:opinion, judgment, judgement,
In law, a legal opinion is usually a written explanation by a judge or group of judges that accompanies an order or ruling in a case, laying out the rationale and legal principles for the ruling.